A Fun Holiday Bird Craft from the National Audubon Society

As a birder, there’s nothing that says winter more than birds coming to visit my backyard to winter! I’ve had so much fun seeing white-crowned sparrows, Audubon’s warblers, northern flickers, and ruby-crowned kinglets in my yard! When I found this Audubon craft, I was excited to try it out.
For my garland, I strung together thinly cut orange slices, cranberries, stale popcorn, and small pieces of apple on a string. Then, I hung them up around the house, most near bird feeders. In the morning, I saw some bird (or squirrel) nibbled on the popcorn! I expect birds like mountain chickadees and white-breasted nuthatches to eat from the garland, but we’ll see!
Making the garland was simple and the birds will enjoy it once they realize I’ve strung little snacks on a string for them.

If you want to make the craft too, here’s the link: https://www.audubon.org/magazine/winter-2020/diy-outdoor-holiday-decorations-double-delectable.