Celebrate Earth Day With These Eco-friendly Actions!

Earth Day is April 22!!! While the extravagant celebration and activism may be limited to just this one day, every day really is a day to celebrate this planet we call home! Looking for ways to harness your inner environmental activist? Try this Earth Day bingo I created! For some examples of how to get …

Bird Banding at Burns Piñon Ridge Reserve Day 3: Closing out Strong

We were so close to the 200 mark for total birds. Considering the numbers we caught last morning and the fact that the winds had died down made everyone certain that we could probably catch 12 birds in just the first net round alone to make the mark. After a quick breakfast at 6am, the …

Bird Banding at Burns Piñon Ridge Reserve Day 2: Diversity Arises

At the sweet hour of 5:30am, my dad and I awoke to the calls of my alarm. The desert outside was just waking up, with the curves of the piled rocks highlighted under the light of the full moon. Birds began singing as a soft breeze moved the leaves of juniper and oak. We got …

Bird Banding at Burns Piñon Ridge Reserve Day 1: So many White-crowns!!

Welcome to Burns Piñon Ridge Reserve, or as we call it: Burns! This reserve used to be the retirement home of engineer Bruce Burns, who’s family dedicated the 306 acre area of land to UC Irvine some time ago. Since then, various groups have come here to conduct research projects ranging from those tackling the …

When Grosbeaks Bite: April 9, 2022 Zuma Banding Cycle

Start at 6:30am, closing at 12:30pmTotal 21 nets upTotal 33 birds, 12 species 1 Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) 12 Allen’s hummingbirds (Selasphorus sasin) 2 House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus) 1 White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) 1 Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) 2 Golden-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) 1 Lincoln Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii) 1 Spotted Towhees (Pipilo maculatus) …

Taking the Road Less Traveled: Exploring Joshua Tree National Park With Friends

On April 6, my family and I drove out to Joshua Tree National Park in Twenty Nine Palms, about 98 miles from Los Angeles and 2.5 hours from my house. Along the way, we stopped by a recently opened skatepark in La Quinta. My dad and I, who both skateboard, were so excited for the …

Volunteering at the L.A. Zoo: California Condor Outreach

On April 3, 2022, Los Angeles Birders-Students joined a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologist for California Condor Outreach at the L.A. Zoo. There, students including Bella, Thomas, and myself talked to hundreds of people about the amazing California Condor. Our parents and my younger sister participated in the outreach as well. (Quite) a Bit …