An Adventure in Photos: Arlington Garden, Pasadena

Welcome to Arlington Garden! Located at the corner of South Pasadena Avenue and Arlington Drive lays a quaint little nature hotspot containing a multitude of colors! The area used to be the location of a fifty room mansion, but then termites destroyed the house and it had to be torn down. Now, the landscape is covered with drought-tolerant plants from California and the Mediterranean. Here, you can find a variety of poppy species, including the California poppy, Common Poppy, Opium Poppy, and Coulter’s Matilija Poppy. Birds abound and include Red-whiskered Bulbuls, Bewick’s Wrens, and California Towhees. Lizards are also present in good numbers and include the Western Fence Lizard and Southern Alligator Lizard.

Take a look at what I found below!

One of the siblings took to conventional foraging techniques, while others got a bit more creative…
Presenting: Young Fox Squirrel handing upside-down to eat Pineapple Guava

I had a great time exploring Arlington Garden and I hope you too can visit one day! Get outside and explore the unknown nature hotspots of your city, town, or neighborhood!