Great Backyard Bird Count 2022: Day 4 and Reflections

Total Bird Species

Total Lifers

Birded Locations
Santa Fe Dam-
37 species added

My backyard-
10 species added

Lower Arroyo Secco-
5 species added

Sepulveda Basin –
15 species added

Glendale Narrows Riverwalk-
7 species added

Day 4 of the GBBC

I will admit, I did not document any bird sightings on February 21. The weather was extremely cloudy and cold by my California standards (around 55ºF). Not many birds were out as they were probably staying warm. I wasn’t sure how many layers I’d have to put on and I was busy with the other GBBC blog posts. Okay, those are just excuses at this point, but yes, I did not create a single eBird checklist on the 21st…

Breakdown of Bird Species Spotted During the GBBC

eBird Trip Report for GBBC

eBird- GBBC Trip Report

By clicking the link, you will have access to the number of species I saw during the GBBC, how many individuals of each species, view the photos I included, view the checklists, and see where I birded on a map.
I did remove the checklists that I completed in my backyard, so the species totals are not fully accurate.

My Favorite Moments

Thanks for reading my posts on the Great Backyard Bird Count! I hope you enjoyed them and feel inspired to explore you local species as well!

Missed a post? Check them out under my blog!